November 18, 2010


Yes that is right!! I completed 1/2 of my expectations of seeing hippos! These lovely guys were seen last weekend at the Wachau hippo sancuary, which has been partly funded through the Calgary zoo. I spent the weekend staying in a nearby village and was woken up at 540am by my nice guide to bring me down to the black volta river. We were so lucky as 5 hippos (one male adult, one female and 3 youngins) were hanging out in front of us. During the wet season the river is often too high to see them at all. I got to take a lovely 1.5 hour boat ride to watch them a little closer and then watched them from the shore for while after. It was so nice and peaceful and felt great that is was only me and the local fishermen around. If anyone travels to Ghana they should definately check this place out! It is well worth it.

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